Collaboration with St-Méthode Bakery
The summer season rhymes with grilling! If meat is very popular on the BBQ, you can be creative and, as a result, improve the nutritional value of your meals cooked on the grill!
Hot days encourage us to eat lighter and especially to fill our plates with vegetables, which contribute to our hydration while providing valuable vitamins. As a bonus, in July and August, our stalls are well stocked with market garden products cultivated with passion by our passionate producers. Many vegetables lend themselves well to cooking on the grill, such as zucchini, eggplant, cauliflower (try the cauliflower steak, delicious!) and potatoes.
If beef and poultry no longer need presentation when it comes to barbecue, vegetable proteins and fish should also find a place of choice. Each in their own way, these two proteins have favorable effects, particularly on cardiovascular health. Cooked en papillote, fish, even delicate, becomes tasty when flavored with fresh herbs and lemon zest. As for vegetable proteins, we bet that marinated tofu and tempeh will easily find takers!
As for cereal products, which provide a good dose of energy to the body, it is not because we cook on the BBQ that we should omit them. How about bread on the grill?
Some delicious meal ideas that will make everyone happy:
- Salmon in bread crust and spices accompanied by a papillote of peppers, zucchini and onions.
- Deluxe grilled-cheese made with two slices of Campagnolo 9 Whole Grain Loaf garnished with grilled vegetables and light cheddar cheese and a green salad on the side.
- A slice of marinated tofu coated in Les Grains St-Méthode multi-grain breadcrumbs served with seasonal vegetables and quinoa.
Why not end the meal with a dessert on the barbecuee?
- A slice of La Récolte 9-grain French toast, baked on the grill, served with berries and ice cream.
- Bread pudding and berries cooked on the BBQ.
- Grilled peach, served with plain Greek yogurt and maple bread crumble.
In summary
- A multitude of recipes can be cooked on the grill.
- Focus on seasonal vegetables.
- Vary protein sources to include more fish and vegetable proteins like tofu and tempeh.
- Dare the bread on the grill.
- Cooking desserts on the BBQ.
You want to know more about the range of products at Boulangerie St-Méthode CLICK HERE
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