Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition vous partage le parcours inspirant et motivant de Dany Lessard qui a atteint son poids santé en modifiant ses habitudes de vie. Un article pour le Journal de Montréal.


From the age of 9, Dany Lessard consulted a nutritionist. His excess weight disrupted his childhood and eating disorders that marked his adolescence led him to a state of morbid obesity. At the worst time of his life, he weighed up to 350 pounds. In 2017, he took drastic measures and put in place habits that allow him today to maintain a stable weight around 175 pounds.

Maintain a healthy weight

Admittedly, the process of losing weight is not always straightforward. However, several people tell me that they have even more difficulty maintaining their healthy weight afterwards. To help you through this arduous process, I enlisted Dr. Maurice Larocque to share his top tips. We discussed this during a live video:Successfully maintaining weight loss.

Read more frommy post and discover the inspiring story of a 35-year-old man who takes the promotion of healthy lifestyles to heart!

Qui est Dany Lessard? Apprenez-en davantage sur son témoignage dans cet article d'Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition pour le Journal de Montréal. Découvrez comment Dany Lessard est devenu militant pour les saines habitudes de vie dans cet article du Journal de Montréal.

This testimony inspires you to change your lifestyle Discover my most recent interviews on the same subject right here::

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