• Servings : 8
  • Preparation : 10 minutes
  • Cook time : 25 minutes
  • Calories : 220 cal
  • Carbohydrate : 19 g
  • Lipid : 14 g
  • Fiber : 2 g
  • Protein : 9 g
Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition vous présente sa recette de barres sans allergènes aux graines de citrouille et miel. Recette rapide et simple à cuisiner.


  • 375 ml (1 1/2 cup) pumpkin seeds
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) gluten-free oats
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 80 ml (1/3 cup) honey
  • 5 ml (1 tsp) olive oil


1 - Preheat the oven to 160°C (300°F).

2 - Place individual silicone molds in the bottom of a bread dish (or use parchment paper). Set aside.

3 - Place all the ingredients in a bowl. Mix well using a wooden spoon.

4 - Pour into the molds. Crush well to compress.

5 - Bake 20 at 25 minutes. Leave to cool for 30 to 60 minutes (or until the bars are very hard).

6 - Remove from the freezer.

*These bars are fragile. It is best kept frozen until ready.

*These bars are delicious with a pinch of cinnamon, cayenne pepper, turmeric...

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