Collaboration with St-Méthode Bakery
Oats are one of the most popular grains. Very nourishing, its nutritional profile distinguishes it from other grains. LOats are often higher in protein, fiber and minerals, such as phosphorus, magnesium and zinc, than most other grains. As a bonus, its soluble fiber content makes it a champion for cardiovascular health. This type of fiber promotes both blood sugar and blood cholesterol control. Oats are therefore a cereal recommended for people with diabetes and those who have a level of LDL-C (qualified as bad cholesterol). In addition, it is well tolerated by people who suffer from irritable bowel syndrome. Besides being rich in soluble fiber, oats are also a whole grain, as they contain all three parts of the grain (endosperm, germ and bran). Science shows that people who eat more whole grains are less at risk of several chronic diseases. What are you waiting for to include oats in your menus?
My advice :
- The St-Méthode bakery uses oats in several breads. This is particularly the case with Grandfather-style oat bread (La harvest de St-Méthode), whole oat bread (Les Grains St-Méthode) and oat and sesame loaf (Campagnolo). No matter your favorite bread among these, each serving of 2 slices of bread provides 2 g of soluble fiber. In addition, St-Méthode's mission is to promote local purchasing and works with Quebec farmers. A local sector that is appreciated by consumers!
- Overnight oat is becoming increasingly popular. Simply combine rolled oats with a fortified plant-based drink and add fruits and nuts for a nutritious and complete breakfast.
- Oat bran can be added to cereal and yogurt to add soluble fiber.
- By swapping 30% of all-purpose flour for oat flour in muffin and cookie recipes, we improve their nutritional values.
In summary :
- Oats are one of the most nutritious grains
- In addition to its interesting mineral content, it provides valuable soluble fiber
- It plays a role in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases
- It's easy to boost your soluble fiber diet by including more oats in your diet
- Several breads from the St-Méthode bakery, oatmeal, oat bran and oat flour are easy to integrate.
You want to know more about the range of products at Boulangerie St-Méthode?CLICK HERE
@Suzanne : Bonjour Suzanne, en fait, je vous suggère de prendre rendez-vous avec une nutritionniste. Une évaluation nutritionnelle est nécessaire pour connaître vos besoins réels et ainsi vous donner des conseils adaptés à vos besoins!
Quel pain devrais-je manger pour un côlon irritable sévère
@Line : Bonjour Line, le gruau est un très bon choix pour le déjeuner!
Par contre, je vous conseillerais de varier vos déjeuners plutôt que de consommer la même chose à tous les matins. En variant les aliments, plusieurs nutriments différents seront consommés.
Concernant le gruau moi j’aime bien en manger le matin est ce que ça serait trop d’en manger à tout les jour pour déjeuner ?