My team
I would like to introduce you to the members of my team, people who contribute to the success of my company!
Isabelle Huot, Doctor of Nutrition | Founder and President
Stéphanie St-Laurent, Dt. P. Nutritionist | Operations Coordinator
Amélie Robert, T.D.P. Dietetic Technician | Project Manager
Sandrine Boulanger, T.D.P. Dietetic Technician | Project Manager
Vanessa Daigle, Dt. P. Nutritionist | Digital Media Manager
Nelson Rincon | Billing and Logistics
In addition to my team of professionals, I work closely with several partners of choice!
Jérôme Ferrer is a friend and a renowned chef. Since August 2013, we have developed an excellent partnership with the Center de transformation agroalimentaire tradition et qualité (CDA-TEQ), the processing and production plant that Jérôme owns with his associates, with the aim of offering high-quality meals. quality to our customers. I am very proud of this association!I have been an Énergie Cardio ambassador for a little over 15 years now. Since healthy eating and physical activity go hand in hand in a process of maintaining healthy lifestyle habits, the collaboration with Énergie Cardio was a natural fit!