What does 2021 have in store for us on the food side Cap on the trends in vogue!!


2020 has turned our daily lives upside down and our eating habits have not been able to escape this hubbub. What will remain of these new habits in 2021 Curious and curious to know what will be on the plate of Canadians and Canadians in this new year Here is what the marketing agency predictsg Braque from Montreal, food expert!

Back to the stove!

Unsurprisingly, a high proportion of Canadians have prepared more meals since the pandemic. AccordingNielsen, last May, 40% of Canadians reported cooking more since the start of confinement. A healthy habit that I like! A trend that will continue in 2021 according to the Braque agency. As they cook more regularly, consumers are looking for new ideas for a varied cuisine. While basic foodstuffs make up the majority of the grocery basket, there is growing interest in very original products that stand out. seasonings and spices, condiments, mixes for concocting cocktails at home; it seems that consumers are looking to replicate the restaurant experience, but in the comfort of their own home!


Agri-Food Analytics Lab reports a marked increase of 86% in online food trade compared to 2019. Obviously, the confinement that has accompanied the current pandemic has changed the way we obtain our food. The sanitary measures imposed, the queues at the supermarkets and the fear of going out have had a positive effect on e-commerce. Shop, click and receive easy as pie!!

While some merchants already offered an online store, others took advantage of certain platforms such asThe Blue Basket WhereMy Zone Quebec which were quickly set up to help local businesses.#buylocal

Foods: a preference for those with added value!

Increasingly informed, we note that Canadians are looking for value-added products, that is, foods that offer health benefits other than their basic nutritional properties. That being said, it is important to keep a critical eye on the food offer. While fiber-enriched potato chips may not be the healthiest way to fill our intake of this valuable nutrient, antioxidant-packed berries, salmon rich in omega-3 fatty acids or products fortified with probiotics, beneficial for the immune system, deserve to be added to our grocery basket.

2021: the year of flexitarianism!

This movement has been taking place for a few years now, but it will mark the year 2021. Even the giants are joining this movement by offering plant-based alternatives! The offer is now more varied, but also more accessible. Supermarkets have full shelves dedicated to vegetable products. Among the increasingly popular products are vegan ice cream and cheese, vegetarian alternatives to shrimp and meat, for example.

According toResponsible consumption barometer 2020,the amount of red meat has decreased on the plate of 4 out of 10 people. Be part of this statistic?

The company: its history, its mission and its values!

Learning more about the executives, company and brand behind a product is increasingly important to consumers. Why Because they will choose to encourage local businesses, from minorities, which rely on responsible ways of doing things, which favor transparency and which endorse certain missions. Besides, the EY Future Consumer Indexreports that 62% of consumers in Canada are more likely to adopt a brand that contributes to the well-being of society.

You know the climate regime Consumers' desire to reduce their ecological footprint is very real! Among the values shared by followers of the climate diet: the reduction of food waste and plastic, the reduction of animal products and the purchase from producers..

Packaging: innovation and eco-responsibility!

Biodegradable, vegetable, reusable, 100% recycled or even connected packaging consumer expectations are high! According Agri-Food Analytics Lab, 55% of Canadians would be willing to pay more for biodegradable packaging.

You knowLOOPS? Company founded by Tom Szaky, a Torontonian,LOOPS offers a brand new online grocery store in Ontario. Deliveries are made at home by a transport company which recovers the packaging once empty. Returned to a dedicated warehouse, they are industrially washed and reused by the brandsHeinz, Häagen-Dazs, Nature's Path, Ocean Spray and President's Choice,among others. Who knows Maybe we will be able to take advantage of this service too soon!!

Home brands are on the rise!

Certain factors explain the growing popularity of various private label products. Popular with the 18-29 age group, new consumers with no attachment to brands, these products are increasingly perceived as quality products. First, the shortages of food or commodities experienced in 2020 have modulated our purchasing behavior. Then, as many were living in a precarious employment situation in 2020, the economic aspect of these products convinced more than one.

See big!

A trend that will also mark the current year is the export of our quality food products. The United States, part of Europe and Asia show interest in our local products. Like what it will not only be the plate of Canadians that will be well stocked!

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  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Madame Lefort: merci beaucoup pour vos bons mots!

  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Ginette: Des tendances qui sont intéressantes en effet!

  • L. Lefort

    J’ai aimé cet article !

  • Ginette Richard

    Je suis intéressée par ces ingrédients santé et par une consommation locale de style ´climatarien’. Nouvelles saveurs santé: un style de vie.

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