If breakfast is no longer considered a must as before, personally I can't live without it!

What a pleasure to enjoy my breakfast with a good latte, a little moment of calm before the whirlwind of the day! If like me you enjoy this first meal so much, here are my favorites to start the day off right!

Optimal composition

Before getting to the heart of the matter and presenting my favorite breakfasts, here are some details on the optimal composition of a balanced breakfast. For many, the low protein content of the morning meal is an aspect to improve. Indeed, Quebecers are used to starting the day with foods rich in carbohydrates and added sugar. Without excluding the presence of carbohydrates, the ideal is simply to combine them with a source of protein.

If you have trouble distinguishing between carbs and protein, here are some examples of common breakfast foods.

Sources of carbohydrates

Sources of protein

whole grain bread



Cereals or granolas




Light cheese, cottage cheese



Veggie pâté

Milk or soy beverage

Best Carb Choices

Stick to good quality carbs by choosing whole grains and low-sugar products. In the case of cereals, for example, favor a product containing a minimum of 4 g of fiber and a maximum of 8 g of sugar per serving. If you are fond of muffins, waffles or pancakes, bet on homemade products!

Top Protein Picks

As for proteins, dairy products, eggs and vegetable proteins are ideal. Although meat contains a large amount of protein, it seems to me to be wise to avoid consuming it at daybreak, since lunch is probably the easiest meal to plant!


Yogurt, berries & granola

I have always been a fan of berries. In addition to being tasty, berries are very rich in antioxidants! My trick to have them at low prices all year round and avoid waste is to opt for frozen (except in season of course, when I always go for Quebec products). The combination with Greek yogurt and granola is ideal and filling. Personally, as I love cinnamon,my granola cha is one of my favorite options.


When I crave a savory meal more, I often make myself an omelette. A classic that is not about to go out of style! Many people shun eggs for breakfast for fear of spending too much time in the kitchen. When you think about it, it only takes a few minutes, especially if you have aomelet cooker. What I particularly appreciate is that the omelette is the ultimate empty-fridge meal! Bye-bye waste.

«Sweet and savory grilled cheese

It used to be that spreads rarely ended up in my refrigerator simply out of dietary preference. 2 years ago, while working on the development of my range, I discovered different ways to integrate them into my diet and I really fell in love. The sweet and savory grilled cheese has remained a must for me. To prepare it, I choose a bread from the St-Méthode bakery that I spread with myma sugar-free spread 4 fruits and chia. I then add a light cheese, preferably from Quebec, and then I grill it. A pure delight!

Day-old oatmeal or birchermüesli

During my studies in Switzerland, I discovered birchermüesli, a traditional recipe that I ate for breakfast, sometimes even for lunch. Overnight oatmeal, so popular today, is reminiscent of the Swiss version. Mymuesli lends itself perfectly to this preparation. To discover my favorite recipe ofbircher muesli, Click here !

Muffin & cottage

Finally, when I am particularly in a hurry or when my days start earlier than usual, I try to get a little head start during the weekend. So I bake a dozen muffins. To save time, I always use my preparation forbran and date muffins. Thanks to its classic flavor, I can have fun creating different variations. I often add walnuts and sometimes seasonal fruits. In the morning, I combine my muffin with a small bowl of cottage cheese. A sweet and salty protein duo just the way I like them.

You would like to create your own healthy breakfast recipes from my range of tasty products?

To discover all our gourmet and healthy products Click here.

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  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Louisette : Bonjour Louisette, je vous suggère de prendre rendez-vous avec une nutritionniste. Suite à une évaluation nutritionnelle, la nutritionniste sera en mesure de vous donner des conseils adaptés à vos besoins réels et de vous guider vers des choix alimentaires qui vous conviennent réellement.

  • Louisette Boivin

    Bonsoir , je me demandais quoi manger au petit déjeuner car , je souffre de fibromyalgie( syndrome du colon irritable) et je suis facile à faire des pierres aux reins. Je regarde les menus et je suis limitée (je trouve) et je ne suis pas certaine que ça soit suffisant à cause de tout ce que je ne peux pas manger , je dois fuir ce qui créé des oxalates. . Avez vous autres suggestions qui cibleraient plus ma demande ?

  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Marie : Bonjour Marie! Un smoothie vert pourrait être une belle idée! Toutefois, il est important de s’assurer d’y ajouter une belle quantité de protéines. Le smoothie vert est également intéressant puisqu’on peut facilement intégrer des légumes!

  • Marie Goulet

    Merci pour les bons conseils. Ne devrait-on pas inclure le smoothie vert énergisant :
    Épinard, concombre, avocat… est-ce assez pour le repas du matin? Je souffre d’arthrite. Merci.

  • Carole Pouliot

    J’ai acheté 2 sortes de granola et du muesli. J’aimerais pouvoir les intégrer dans des recettes pour fin de cuisson. Si vous avez des suggestions. Merci !

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