Article signé Isabelle Huot sur l'importance de la vitamine D

Collaboration with St-Méthode Bakery

We welcome the return of spring and the warmer rays of the sun with joy. It is also during this period that the natural synthesis of vitamin D resumes following exposure to ultraviolet rays. We take this opportunity to discuss the benefits of this sunshine vitamin!

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that has several functions: it increases the intestinal absorption of calcium, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and colon cancer and could also contribute to the prevention of certain autoimmune diseases. The recommended intake of vitamin D for people aged 1 to 70 is 600 IU, it rises to 800 IU for older people. Many Canadians do not meet the recommendations.

If, from April to October, exposure of the face and hands to the sun for 15 minutes between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. makes it possible to synthesize enough vitamin D, many do not go outside enough to meet their needs. Since our production of vitamin D is limited, it is important to eat foods that contain or are fortified with vitamin D. Food sources include milk, fortified plant-based drinks, fatty fish, mushrooms, eggs and certain breads, including the Campagnolo range! Eating vitamin D-rich foods every day is important, especially since Canada's new Food Guide no longer emphasizes dairy products. In winter, it is recommended, in addition to eating foods that are sources of vitamin D, to add a supplement of 400 IU per day, to ensure that your needs are met. Some public health authorities even recommend 1000 IU per day. It is the only supplement that has the endorsement of all health professionals! And you, are you meeting your vitamin D needs??

In summary

  • Vitamin D plays an essential role in the body
  • Vitamin D contributes in particular to bone health
  • Needs are 600 to 800 IU per day
  • Many Canadians do not meet the recommendations
  • Sun exposure helps synthesize vitamin D
  • Food sources of vitamin D include milk, fortified plant-based drinks, fatty fish, and some breads.
  • Supplementation is encouraged during the winter

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  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Pauline : Malheureusement non, les fenêtres fermées bloques les rayons UVB, il faut donc réellement sortir à l’extérieur et très souvent, prendre des suppléments de vitamine D pour atteindre les recommandations.

  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Gérald : Bonjour Gérald, merci beaucoup pour vos beaux mots, c’est très apprécié. Pour les consultations, vous pourriez prendre rendez-vous avec une nutritionniste de mon équipe.

  • Gérald Gagnon

    merci beaucoup d’être là pour nous , ont as eu un souper ce soir , et avec mon amis ont as parler de toi presque toute là soirée , de tes compétente et de ton côté honnête , une personne de confiance a qui ont peut ce confier en toute confiance , j’aimerais tellement avoir de tes bon conseille , je ne sais pas si vous pouvez rencontré des gens pour nous conseiller pour notre santé , merci de me répondre .Gérald Gagnon de Mirabel ,

  • pauline désilets

    prendre le soleil devant une fenêtre ensoleillée est-ce aussi bon que de sortir ?

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