Découvrez des astuces et recettes pour optimiser la valeurs nutritives du classique grilled cheese. Un article signé Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition en collaboration avec la Boulangerie St-Méthode.

Collaboration with St-Méthode Bakery

Grilled cheese sandwiches are a great comfort food. Quick to put together, with just a few ingredients, they make for a perfect speedy meal when time is tight… and when the fridge is looking empty. Morning, noon, or night, grilled cheese steals the show! While the basic original version remains very popular, there are a few ways you can put a spin on things and turn your grilled cheese into a more nutritious meal. Here are some tips to help you “reinvent” the grilled cheese sandwich as a healthier choice.

1. Choose bread made with whole grains

Whole grains help keep you healthy. To find bread made with whole grains, carefully read product labels, looking for ingredients like whole wheat flour, integral flour, or a mention of “whole grains” on the package. The 9 Whole Grains Loaf in St-Méthode’s Campagnolo range is an excellent choice, both for its nutritional value and its great taste—which makes it particularly well-suited for grilled cheese sandwiches!

2. Opt for a less processed cheese

Cheese is (obviously) the star ingredient in a grilled cheese sandwich. So there’s no way it can be left out… but you can choose a cheese with a shorter list of ingredients (e.g. milk, rennet/bacterial culture, salt) rather than a classic processed cheese (with modified milk ingredients, corn maltodextrin, food colouring, etc.). Personally, I like to vary my cheese choices (both in terms of texture and the type of milk used), opting for whatever may inspire me at any given moment (Swiss, cheddar, Tomme, brie, etc.).

3. Include some vegetables or fruit

Roasted, sauteed, or marinated vegetables make a great added ingredient. Grilled cheese sandwiches are a perfect way to make use of leftover cooked vegetables. Veggies add colour and vitamins to your express meal. There are also several fruits that work as a winning combination with cheese (apples, pears, grapes).

4. Swap butter for vegetable oil

Unlike butter—which is traditionally used in grilled cheese recipes—, vegetable oils are high in good, unsaturated fats. These fats have health benefits, notably for cardiovascular health. They are found in such vegetable oils as canola oil or olive oil. You can replace the butter (or part of the butter) in a recipe with vegetable oil.

5. Serve your grilled cheese with a mixed salad

A nice mâche salad with nut oil dressing, a grated carrot salad with raisins, or a spinach-clementine-toasted almond salad… just a few ideas for sides to enhance the nutritional value of your meal.

Summing up

  • Grilled cheese sandwiches are quick to make and can be a healthy and nutritious meal.

  • For a healthier grilled cheese, choose bread made with whole grains, use less processed cheese, and add some vegetables or fruit.

  • Serve your grilled cheese with a colourful salad for an even more nutritious meal.

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  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Diane : Bonjour Diane, super! Bonne journée! :)

  • Diane

    Plusieurs bonnes idées, je vais manger des nouveaux grill cheese merci! 🧑‍🌾

  • Marie-Claude

    @marie Un fromage allégé que j’aime bien est le six pourcents de Bergeron

  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Marie : Bonjour Marie, plusieurs choix de fromage, je pense à Allegro et Mozzaerllissima léger! :)

  • Marie Dufresne

    J’adore les grilled-cheese. Par contre je ne peux manger du fromage gras. Lequel me conseillez-vous, le fromage doit être 20% et moins de M.G.. Cause RGO chronique. Merci

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