• Servings : 3
  • Preparation : 10 minutes
  • Cook time : 15 minutes
  • Calories : 330 cal
  • Carbohydrate : 27 g
  • Lipid : 18 g
  • Fiber : 5 g
  • Protein : 17 g
Isabelle Huot, Docteure en nutrition, vous propose sa recette de pizza déjeuner, cuite à la friteuse à air. Un déjeuner simple et savoureux à essayer.


  • 15 ml (1 tbsp.) olive oil
  • 1 small onion, finely chopped
  • 3 eggs
  • 3 whole wheat tortillas
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) tomato sauce
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) light marbled cheddar cheese
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) lean cooked ham cut into small pieces (optional ) ot


1 - Preheat the air fryer to 200°C (390°F).

2 - In a non-stick pan, heat the oil. Cook the onion for 2 to 3 minutes (or until lightly browned). coloring). Remove from heat and let cool.

3 - In a bowl, beat an egg. Set aside.

4 - Place a tortilla in a mold that fits in the air fryer. Add 1/3 tomato sauce. Spread to cover the entire surface. Add the beaten egg on top and garnish with 1/3 of the grated cheese, caramelized onion and ham if desired.

5 - Repeat

6 - Place in the air fryer and cook for 7 to 10 minutes (or until nicely browned).

7 - Remove from the fryer air.

8 - Serve and enjoy immediately.

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  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Nathalie : Bonjour Nathalie, oui, tout à fait, la durée de cuisson sera plus longue., tout simplement!

  • Nathalie Ouellet

    Peut on mettre au four si on a pas de friteuse à air?

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