Regular price
25,99 $
Sale price
14,99 $
Save 11,00 $
Vous aimez cuisiner et souhaitez avoir des idées de recettes simples et saines? Ce forfait est pour vous! En collaboration avec le programme A.I.M.E., retrouvez Mélanie Marchand, cheffe, et moi-même dans des capsules culinaires interactives.
Vous aurez également accès à des fiches recettes pour ajouter de la variété à votre menu.
- Delivery available QC and ON
- Free delivery on orders of $150 and more, and for all subscriptions.
- Minimum order is $75, except for digital products such as booklets and webinars.
- A $9.99 delivery charge applies to orders between $75 and $149.99, except for subscriptions and digital products which have no shipping charge.
- Delivery is available throughout Quebec and Ontario, except in a few more remote areas.
- Deliveries are made on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 7 am and 7 pm. You can select your delivery date during the ordering process. It sometimes happens that orders are delivered the day after the selected day, do not worry because the temperature is maintained accordingly. Please contact us and we will be happy to share the tracking of your delivery.
- To receive a delivery on Tuesday, the deadline for ordering is the Friday before, at noon.
- To receive a delivery on Thursday, the order deadline is midnight Monday.
- Your meals are placed in coolers with dry ice added. This is a safe process that has been proven over the years! This ensures that your meals remain at the correct temperature during transport until the boxes are opened. Then simply place the meals in the freezer immediately. It is very important not to pick up the dry ice bags directly in your hands. Let the dry ice evaporate in a ventilated area before handling the bags.
- Be sure to provide us with a complete and accurate address. You are responsible for your package and the delivery address you provided when you placed your order. Only one delivery address can be noted.
- Are you at work or out of town on the day of your delivery? Tell us a safe place to drop off the merchandise (e.g. behind the house, in the garage or on the balcony) and all you have to do is pick it up when you get home!