Jus et boissons et sucres ajoutés sur le blogue Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

No need to convince you of the importance of reducing your consumption of added sugars, I am sure.


In recent years, many people have deliberately waged a war on sugars. Are they that bad

Sugar in our diet

In reality, the problem with sugars is that they are ubiquitous. Did you know that almost 80% of processed foods sold in grocery stores (about 20,000) contain added sugars in one form or another If our only sugar consumption is related to the one we knowingly consume, it would be otherwise..

If you want to reduce your sugar consumption, one of the first steps is to select the beverages carefully! Spotlight on sugary beverages.

The juice

Before taking stock of the beverages, remember that it is always better to bet on foods in their natural state. Whole fruit will always be a better choice than juice. It is recommended to limit your juice consumption to 125 ml (1/2 cup) per day. Are there less sweet beverages?

Juices with reduced sugar content

OASIS Hydrafruit: with 11 g of sugar per 250 ml (1 cup) serving and no added sweeteners, it is a good choice! In comparison, 250 ml (1 cup) of regular juice contains about 25 g of sugars.

Trop50: 250 ml (1 cup) of juice contains 10 g of sugars. However, the list of ingredients is much less interesting than the previous product. The Trop50 also contains stevia, which is less appealing.

Other options?

Freshly squeezed juices: several companies now share the market. We think among others of Dose, Impress or Glow. These products are definitely more interesting from a nutritional point of view since they are devoid of added sugars and food additives. However, expect to pay the price for this remarkable freshness.

Dairy beverage or substitute

Chocolate milk: a product to avoid! Recognized as the optimal recovery drink, chocolate milk remains very sweet. Unless you're finishing a long distance event, it's best to leave the chocolate milk on the shelves.

Plant-based drinks: opt for plain, unsweetened or slightly sweetened versions. Again, flavored drinks will be very sweet. Vanilla drinks are often a good compromise. Yes, 250 ml (1 cup) of chocolate almond drink contains 18 g of sugars (4 ½ sachets of sugars) compared to 0 g in the unsweetened version.


Soft drinks : obviously, soft drinks should not be part of your daily diet. You opt for the calorie-free versions Unfortunately, these contain sweeteners, known to maintain our craving for sugar..

Mineral water : flavored mineral waters are popular! Indeed, you will find several flavors available at the supermarket. Fortunately, they are an interesting choice since they do not contain added sugars or sweeteners.

Kombucha: although some benefits are now recognized in the consumption of fermented products, the majority of Kumbucha contain a significant amount of sugars. However, some products stand out with a content of less than 8 g of sugar per bottle and the absence of sweeteners. The Vee Kombucha (without stevia) and Tonica brands are good choices.

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