Pourquoi manger du poisson? Article Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

Sometimes appreciated, sometimes almost avoided, if we think of a food that is not unanimous, fish certainly comes to mind!


This often creates differences of opinion. Like it or not, health experts suggest introducing fish to the menu at least twice a week. You respect these recommendations?

Fish yes! But why?

As an alternative source of protein to meat, fish deserves a prominent place on our menu. While many fish have a rather low fat content, some fish that are called fatty fish are rich in omega-3s. While some omega-3s come from plant sources like nuts, seeds, vegetable oils, or avocados, others come exclusively from marine sources. No marine foods, no omega-3 of this category (EPA-DHA)! Since these are known for their benefits on cardiovascular health and knowing that supplements are not worth the synergy of the food, this is a good reason to introduce fish to the menu.u.

Fish also contains a host of vitamins and minerals essential for overall health: vitamin D, selenium, iodine, magnesium, iron and copper.

A better choice

The fish to be preferred are therefore those that contain this type of fat as well as a low concentration of mercury.

  • Mackerel
  • Salmon
  • Smelt
  • Char
  • Herring

Fish on the menu!

camouflage : to tame fish, it is ideal to eat it cooked with other foods rather than alone: homemade croquettes, trout burger, seafood and fish lasagna, salmon pizza, etc.

The canned goods : This is probably the best way to get started. Simply mix canned salmon with an egg, breadcrumbs and seasonings of your choice to make croquettes. The whole family will love it, to eat alone or in hamburgers.

frozen fish : less expensive than fresh fish, frozen fish is easily found in all grocery stores and several species are available. On a baking sheet, spread the vegetables, the contents of a can of diced tomatoes and spices, then distribute some frozen sole fillets. Bake everything in the oven.

Maximum freshness : a good fillet of fresh fish from the fishmonger can be savored en papillote, simply with a drizzle of olive oil, a few slices of lemon or leek, or even seared in a pan. The flesh of the fish will come off in soft flakes that will reveal the authentic flavors of the sea! You should know that fish goes well with a host of ingredients: citrus fruits, Dijon mustard, honey, pesto, homemade fruity salsa, walnut crust, etc.

Good to know! Cooking in a frying pan releases a stronger smell than cooking in the oven, which is also simpler.

Finally, in order to protect species threatened with extinction, we opt for seafood products from sustainable fishing. To do this, we look for eco-labels on packaging or at the fishmonger. These products are fished or farmed in a way that maintains or increases production over the long term, without jeopardizing the health of our oceans. The MSC logo ensures an eco-responsible choice!

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