Découvrez tous les bienfaits du sirop d'érable dans cet article d'Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition pour le Journal de Montréal.


Spring rhymes with sugaring off and we are delighted! Who doesn't love maple syrup, a golden nectar that makes Quebecers proud! Portrait of this natural sugar that appeals to young and old alike!

Cooking with maple

If many people are used to consuming maple syrup in a more traditional way, in a dessert, for example, it also fits perfectly into main dishes such as with pork or salmon. By the way, I suggest you try my recipe forbran and date muffins with maple crumble. It's up to you to add this tasty crumble to your favorite muffins!

But why choose maple, rather than another sugar I discussed in a video in collaboration with MétéoMédia: Best Quebec product: Maple syrup.

Read more frommy post to know everything about maple syrup and to discover my recipe for spinach salad and maple vinaigrette:

Faites le point sur tous les bienfaits du sirop d'érable dans cet article signé Isabelle Huot, Docteure en nutrition pour le Journal de Montréal.

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