- Servings : 4
- Preparation : 15 minutes
- Cook time : 20 minutes
- Calories : 110 cal
- Carbohydrate : 16 g
- Lipid : 5 g
- Fiber : 8 g
- Protein : 3 g

- 2 eggplants, thinly sliced with mandolin
- Salt to taste
- 20 ml (4 tsp.) olive oil
- Garlic powder to taste
- Ground pepper to taste
- Chili spices to taste
- Lemon wedges to taste
1 - Preheat oven to 180°C (350°F). Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper. Place thinly sliced eggplant on baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with salt. Let drain for 10 minutes.
2 - Pat dry, then turn over eggplant slices. Sprinkle again with a little salt. Leave to drain for a further 10 minutes. Pat dry again. Brush each eggplant slice lightly with olive oil. Season with garlic powder, pepper and chili spices to taste.
3 - Bake 16 to 20 minutes or until eggplant slices are cooked, crisp and colorful.
4 - Remove from oven. Allow to cool.
5 - Enjoy eggplant chips with light tzatziki sauce, spicy tomato sauce, lemon wedges, etc.
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