- Servings : 4
- Preparation : 15 minutes
- Cook time : 15 minutes
- Calories : 550 cal
- Carbohydrate : 51 g
- Lipid : 27 g
- Fiber : 9 g
- Protein : 36 g

- 15 ml (1 tbsp) olive oil
- 2 chicken breasts, boneless, finely diced
- 30 ml (2 tbsp) fresh ginger , grated
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped
- 45 ml (3 tbsp) green onion, chopped
- 30 ml (2 tbsp) d 'exquisite meat seasonings Isabelle Huot Doctor of nutrition
- 30 ml (2 tablespoons) reduced-sodium soy sauce + 30 ml (2 tablespoons) water
- 1 can (227 g) water chestnuts, rinsed and finely chopped
Pickled cucumbers
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) cashews, coarsely chopped
- 4 Lebanese cucumbers, cut into chunks
- 30 ml (2 tbsp) rice vinegar
- 15 ml (1 tbsp) toasted sesame oil
Crunchy salad
- ½ red chili pepper, very finely chopped
- 500 ml (2 cups) bean sprouts
- 250 ml (1 cup) carrot, grated
- 45 ml (3 tbsp) green onion, chopped
- 30 ml ( 2 tbsp) store-bought Wafu sauce
- 10 ml (2 tsp) sesame seeds
- 250 g cooked whole wheat spaghetti + 60 ml (1/4 cup) cooking water
- 125 ml (1/2 cup) green onions, chopped
- 30 ml (2 tbsp.) tablespoons) fresh ginger, grated
- 15 ml (1 tablespoon) toasted sesame oil
- 8 leaves of romaine lettuce, washed
- Seeds of sesame, to taste
1 - In a large non-stick skillet, heat the oil.
2 - Cook the chicken for 5 to 7 minutes (or until it is cooked and well colored).
3 Add the ginger, Garlic and green onion. Cook for 2 minutes.
4 Add the seasonings, soy sauce, water chestnuts and cashews. Mix well and cook for 1 to 2 minutes.
5 fire and reserve.
6 - in a bowl, mix all the ingredients of marinated cucumber. Reserve.
7 - in a bowl, mix all the ingredients of crunchy salad. Reserve.
8 - in a Bol, mix the spaghetti (with cooking water), green onions, ginger and sesame oil. Mix well.
9 - In a presentation dish, place the lettuce leaves. Add pasta to the pasta Ginger, crunchy salad, marinated cucumbers and chicken mixture.
10 - Garnish with sesame seeds to taste and serve.
11 ** Variant: replace the chicken with 2 pieces of 150 g of grilled salmon, Brushed with Ho sauce Isin
@M.C. : Tous nos plats sont contrôlés en sodium, toutefois, nous n’avons pas de plats contenant 0 mg de sodium!
Bonjour j’aimerais savoir si vous avez des plats sans sel
@Caroline : Bonjour Caroline, les assaisonnements se retrouvent dans la majorité des épiceries, au rayon des fruits et légumes! :) Pour la recette, vous pourriez très bien remplacer le poulet par du tofu grillé! :)
Bonjour! Je suis végétarienne. Par quoi puis-je remplacer le poulet. Autre que du tofu.
Les épices se vendent t’elles à l’épicerie?