The prevalence of food allergies seems to be increasing in recent years. It is estimated that 6 to 8% of children and 3 to 4% of adults suffer from a food allergy. It's when you live with this condition or when someone close to you has it that you really realize the extent of the problem. While it is difficult to make lunches day after day for children living with allergies, it is also important to ensure that the school environment has taken measures to ensure that the child is protected. Sometimes all it takes is a very small amount of allergen to cause a very serious reaction.
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@Charlotte : Bonjour Charlotte, merci pour votre beau commentaire! C’est tellement apprécié. :)
Mon petit-fils fait beaucoup d’allergie aux fruits et légumes crus, les légumes doivent êtres tous très cuit, il a toujours son épipène avec lui, car la majorité sont mortel pour lui , merci de m’aider xxx