Les OGM en préoccupent plus d'un mais faudrait-il vraiment s'inquiéter? Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition en discute dans son article en collaboration avec la Boulangerie St-Méthode.

Collaboration with St-Méthode Bakery

The term "GMO-free" is more in vogue than ever. This claim is one of the most sought after by consumers. Is the concern about GMOs right to be The point on the question!!

WHO (World Health Organization) defines GMOs as organisms (plants, animals or micro-organisms) whose genetic material (DNA) has been modified in a way that does not occur naturally through mating and/or natural recombination. Genetic modifications allow organisms to develop certain characteristics such as resistance to insects, tolerance to herbicides and drought or to change their nutritional composition. This protects crops and reduces losses.

GMOs are a concern for human health, including their ability to cause allergic reactions and to transfer genes from foods to humans. They also represent an environmental issue, particularly with regard to biodiversity.

In this context, many consumers prefer to abstain from consuming GMOs. Several products bear the verified Non-GMO Project logo or a non-GMO claim, which reassures many consumers.

If the verified GMO-free Project, developed in the United States, is gaining ground, several Quebec companies are following the protocol by ensuring that no input contains GMOs. Thus, they affix a logo certifying the verification of GMO-free ingredients. This is the case of the St-Méthode Bakery, which ensures that no ingredient containing GMOs is used in the manufacture of all of their ranges. Although the impact of GMOs on health is still being studied, the consumer has the right to choose. This value is precious for St-Méthode, whose breads are developed with the best ingredients. The cereals are notably grown according to the principles of sustainable agriculture, with Quebec farmers, and transformed into flour by an experienced miller. The slogan : We only put good is based on all of these corporate values passed down from generation to generation.

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