Stress et émotions affectent votre alimentation? Lisez les conseils de Danièle Boivin dans le blogue d'Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition.


Do your stress and emotions influence what you eat??

Our lives are filled with a multitude of stressful situations that can have varying effects, especially on our appetite. More than a psychological nuisance, poorly managed stress and emotions can have significant impacts on our mental and physical health, but also on our body weight.

Are You Eating Your Emotions For many people, cravings become an adaptive strategy used to quell certain emotions, whether positive or negative. If you use food as a source of comfort, you may have noticed that these gratifying cravings provide relief that is short-lived. Every time you eat to find relief, consciously or unconsciously, createa bad habit that can become more and more present and more and more difficult to change.

Here are some tips to consider to better control your cravings and better react to stress and emotions, while staying away from food.

1. Recognize automatic behaviors.

    If you rush to the candy cabinet every time you experience a difficult situation to manage, it isimportant to takeaware and recognize that you are usingmaybefood as a source of appeasement or escape,prather than face reality.

    2. Become aware of situations that trigger emotions in you.

      Use paper and pencil and describe the specific situations for which you eat your emotions. For example, a conflict with a colleague,one sstress related to your child, a health problem, a romantic quarrel, a promotion, good news.

      3. Realizetomotions and recognize them.

        Now that you have become aware of the automatic behaviors associated with specific situationsfor whichyou use cravings, take the time to explore the emotions that inhabit you. Continue the writing exercise by listing the emotionsthat youfeel. Is it sadness, joy, fear, anger, etc.?

        4. Determinedr concrete actions.

          List a list of concrete actions to be taken thatconsists to help you walk away from food. For example, calling a friend, taking a walk, listening to music, drawing, cleaning, exercising.

          5. Dare to put yourself in danger and congratulate yourself.

            Changing habits is not an easy task. This process requires time and perseverance. Dare to step out of your comfort zone and congratulate yourself on being proactive. Write down your challenges, without judging yourself unfavorably, as well as your successes. You will get there, one step at a time!

            Daniele Boivin , ps.ed
            819 386-8524
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            • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

              @Isabelle : Merci beaucoup pour votre beau commentaire Isabelle!

            • Isabelle

              WoW merci pour cet article. J’ai des troubles alimentaires depuis longtemps et je compte bien appliquer cette façon de faire dans ma vie. Merci

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