- Servings : 1
- Preparation : 25 minutes
- Cook time : 30 minutes
- Calories : 450 cal
- Carbohydrate : 51 g
- Lipid : 14 g
- Fiber : 8 g
- Protein : 30 g

- 100 g de dinde hachée extra-maigre
- 2,5 ml (½ c. à thé) de persil séché
- 5 ml (1 c. à thé) d’assaisonnement à l’italienne
- 1,25 ml (¼ c. à thé) de graines de fenouil
- 1,25 ml (¼ c. à thé) de flocons de piment
- 2,5 ml (½ c. à thé) de graines de cumin
- 7,5 ml (½ c. à soupe) d’huile d’olive
- 1 gousse d’ail, hachée
- 375 ml (1 ½ tasse) de rapinis, émincés
- 60 g de pâtes « bucatini » crues (ou celles de votre choix)
- Jus de citron
- Sel et poivre, au goût
1 - In a bowl, mix the turkey and all spices except cumin seeds. Salt, then mix well.
2 - in a pan over medium heat, add the cumin seeds. Once 'They will have dropped their volatile oils, add the olive oil, the turkey and the garlic.
3 roughly undo the turkey in pieces, add the rapinis on top and cook 5 to 7 minutes Without stirring.
4 during this time, in a saucepan, bring salt water to a boil and cook the pasta as indicated on the packaging. (Once the pasta is cooked, drain while keeping About 125 ml of cooking water.)
5 - once the caramelized turkey, stir to incorporate the rapinis. Continue cooking 3 to 4 minutes, until the turkey is cooked.
6 - Incorporate the pasta into the turkey, continue cooking for 1 to 2 minutes and add the cooking water necessary to make the preparation almost creamy.
7 - rectify the seasoning (salt /pepper and chili flakes), round dare of lemon juice, then serve.
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