The ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting have been, without a doubt, the most popular diets for two years. If I really do not recommend the ketogenic diet because of the significant restrictions that the approach imposes, the lack of variety, the unfavorable impact on the microbiota and LDL-Cholesterol, intermittent fasting seems more advantageous to me.

The literature surrounding intermittent fasting looks promising. However, for the moment, the majority of the results obtained are mainly based on studies in rodents or on very specific populations, such as among Muslims during Ramadan. These contexts therefore do not allow the results to be extrapolated to the general population. In the context of long-term weight loss (12 months and more), we do not see a greater effect than that which could be obtained with more standard calorie restriction. However, for some people, it is easier to reduce the amount of calories ingested if they are concentrated in a more limited time window, as is the case with the popular 16-8, for example. A person on a 16-8 type fast will eat for 8 hours and fast for 16 hours. In this case, many choose to eat from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m., for example. In people who are not hungry in the morning or in those who tend to snack in the evening, the results could be interesting. The daily caloric balance is negative, which causes weight loss.

Note that fasting is not recommended for people with eating disorders, pregnant women or diabetics who are taking medication that can induce hypoglycemia.

If you want to incorporate this approach into your lifestyle, make sure it doesn't harm your relationship with food. If you experience a feeling of deprivation while fasting and this causes you to eat beyond your satiety signals afterwards, this strategy is not for you. I also recommend that those who wish to integrate this approach do so with the support of a nutritionist. It remains important to optimize intake during the food intake period to ensure that nutritional needs are met. Those who limit food intake to one meal cannot meet their nutritional needs.

Finally, although the 16-8 is more popular, it is also possible to fast for a period of 24 hours and more, and to combine these fasting days with normal eating days. I don't agree with this version. Indeed, the latter seems much more difficult to me and risks affecting the social life of the person who is fasting.e.

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  • Fabienne


    Combien de jours par semaine dois-je faire le jeûne pour ressentir les biens faits ?


  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Claudette : Bonjour Claudette, l’eau, le thé, la tisane et le café noir sont permis pendant le jeûne. Je vous invite à vous référer à cet article pour en apprendre davantage :

  • Claudette

    1 cuillère à thé de pâté de gingembre avec le jus d’un citron pressé dans un verre d’eau tiède le matin à jeun, est-ce que ça casse mon jeûne intermittent ?

  • Isabelle Huot Docteure en nutrition

    @Josée : Bonjour Josée, je vous suggère de prendre rendez-vous avec votre médecin ou avec une nutritionniste pour faire le point sur cette situation!

  • Josée

    Souvent a la dernière heure de mon jeune 16/8 j’ai un léger mal de ventre une grosse selle et une autre très très acide après plus rien est-ce ok

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